My New Dawn climbing rose usually only blooms once but she is offering a few last blooms.

The red Saliva is doing better than it has all summer. The little hummers love to come visit this flower.

The red Saliva is doing better than it has all summer. The little hummers love to come visit this flower.

This is Betty Boop. Isn't she stunning. I planted her in memory of my mother-in-law who was a Betty.

Crepe Myrtle is sure to catch your eye.

The variegated Liriope just keeps blooming and needs no care.

And last is Hot Cocoa. Certainly an appropriate choice for the fall days ahead.
I am off to the lake to see my surgeon. This should be my last visit. I had hoped by this time I would not limping but my leg is not getting stronger as fast as I had hoped. However, I feel blessed that I am walking with no cane.
They are all beautiful, thank you for sharing them.
Hi Stella,
I enjoyed the stroll through your garden and I love the beautiful Hot Cocoa, what a gorgeous colour they are.
Hope your leg keeps improving, slowly it may be, but it's on the mend if you have managed to rid yourself of the cane.
Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
Dear Stella, You still have some lovely blooms in your garden and that rose is stunning! Pam
I loved sharing your garden walk! And I love that you are walking through the garden unassisted!
That Hot Cocoa rose is just gorgeous -- I love all your photos. (We saw crepe myrtle for the first time on this roadtrip -- I love it!)
Hope the Dr visit went well...
stella, starlight as in the theater? Kansas City is a beautiful city of fountains too!!!!
Hey you did pretty good on the flowers for being injured. They are gorgeous. I love flowers. Sandie
Good morning Stella, Your flowers are gorgeous. I too love flowers and love to work in my garden.
Have a happy day.
Hugs, Jeanne
Your flowers are beautiful, especially the roses. I will be so sorry when they are gone for the winter. I just love my garden. It was a real challenge this summer because it was so hot, but it's beautiful now. We've had rain for the last 3 days, so it is too wet to work out there today, maybe tomorrow. I hope your leg continues to improve.
you have such a lovely garden! every
flower looks as if it has been lovingly
tended by a skillful gardener.
Beautiful flowers!!
I am so enjoying your pics!!Fall mis indeed very close to ending most flowers even some of mine, time to start with some fall mums!
MY roses may be most colorful in the winter but not always!!!
love your pics!!
Your garden still looks so lovely. Hope your dr. can help you along with healig your leg.
G'eve Stella ~ Glad to hear the leg is doing better. Love your gorgeous florals, yes, the days are numbered now aren't they ... I'll miss all of my flowers, too.
Have a great weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
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