Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Plates And Things

 I have been having fun the last couple of days trying something I know others have been doing for quite some time.  I went to the local thrift store on "old people's day"  which is 1/2 price day and picked up  various plates, vases, glasses, and anything I thought would make an attractive pedestal.  Using glue I married pieces I thought would look nice together.

 This one was just a glass plate with a blue rim and I found a cocktail glass that had the same blue rim.  I thought these two made a wonderful couple.

I wasn't as happy with this one.  Loved the shape of the plate but I think what I don't like about this one  is the plate is ceramic and the vase is glass.  I think it may be just a texture thing.

I tried to find plates with unusual shapes or patterns to work with. so they would have a little personality.  These were three of my favorites. 

I really like how the petal shaped sundae glass mimics the shape of this plate.
I have always like seeing food displayed against white dishes.  So I found a white scalloped plate and used a milk glass candle stick for the base.

I know you are thinking what is she going to do with all these.  Since I take dessert to various functions my idea was to present the hostess the plate as a gift.  Since they were very inexpensive to make she can either keep it or pass it on.

Have to go now I have a whole box of dishes that are just waiting for a new idenity.

I have been trying to visit all of you but blogger is not letting me comment for some reason.  I know others are having this problem so will try to find my way around it so I can comment.


Southhamsdarling said...

What wonderful finds you picked up on your visit to the thrift store, and I love what you have done with them, by marrying them together like that! Very clever. Those 3 little plates are delightful. I can imagine that you had real fun doing all this!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think you did a great job on them and what a sweet gift they will make.

Chatty Crone said...

I think that is just a great idea - I know you cook or bake a lot - and giving them as gifts is so cool. Great job! And I love them and they are reasonable from the thrift store!

Stella Jones said...

How creative you are Stella. The stands look lovely. What fun the thrift shops are! They are unlocking the creativity in us like nothing else, aren't they.
What sort of glue do you use?

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

All of these would make a perfect gift along with a homemade sweet treat. I love baking and this would be a wonderful gift. Hope you have a great day. Tammy

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

What treasures you found. I like the uniqueness of each piece you created. The blue dome piece I think you were referring to in the left of the cabinet? is a cheese dish. I've had it a few years now and floats to different areas of my home.. hope you're having a terrific w/k. hugs ~lynne~

MadSnapper n Beau said...

copy and paste this link to find Ann, the one who is craft minded like you. this might be a double post, i am not sure if they other one posted, it went poof.
i love the first photo a lot but the ice cream dish is my favorite. really special and a great idea, how do you glue them together.
here is the link


great finds,I love the last one,I'd keep that one lol

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those are adorable -- and a great idea as hostess gifts along with what you put on it. I'm not at all crafty but maybe I could do that. I know my daughter could and i'm going to tell her about this idea.

I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one who can't always leave a comment on some blogs. I think it's always on the Blogspot blogs where the comment thingamabob is set up different. They won't let me comment either with my URL or my google account. it's frustrating.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What pretty plates... you'd have so much fun serving treats on them!

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