A wise woman once said don't try out a new recipe when you are going to be serving guests. Well, I am sure that says it all. I am taking dessert to our Bible study group tonight so I thought I would take something special. I had seen a recipe for a Snicker Bar cupcake I thought sounded delicious. So simple too. You just mix up the cake mix, fill the muffin tin and then insert a mini Snicker Bar into the batter. Looked good, smelled good, but didn't come out of the pan pretty. The Snicker Bars sank to the bottom and all the caramel melted to the bottom of the tin. Result - no bottom in the cupcakes but a beautiful top.
I decided I didn't have time to run to the store and bake again so I decided to be inventive. I turned the cupcakes over on the top and frosted the bottom.
Then I drizzled on caramel sauce and dressed them up a bit with a Snicker Bar.
What do you think? Should I confess tonight or just let them think I am creative?