Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hope There Is Enough!

I spent my morning cooking for the Lenten Dinner at church tonight.

My biggest fear is always that I won't make enough food.

I made a roaster oven of chili and one of chicken soup. Then a huge pan of corn bread and bought saltine crackers.

This should feed 60 people don't you think?

I added a huge salad and will serve lemonade, iced tea, and coffee. I have delegated desserts so hope they show up.

I have to go load all this in the car now so wish me luck.


maryt/theteach said...

My goodness, Stella, it sure looks like enough! And delicious! I'm passing an award on to you... come see on my blog.

Chatty Crone said...

It is surely enough and Stella what a nice-big-sweet-wonderful-gift you gave your church!

Do you do that a lot? Are those pans yours? Wow! How did you carry it out?

The only question is - where is the cake and the icing (lol)?


Jean Tuthill said...

It all looks so delicious! And yes, it looks like enough. I'm sure everyone will love it!

Cottage Rose said...

Wow that sure looks really yummy,,, mmm mmmm lip smacking good... I am sure you made enough... have a great week.


Donna said...

Looks like you made plenty to me, and it looks so good!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Stella! I am deeply impressed. Do you take turns throughout the Lenten season or is this the only dinner and you do it all (almost)?

Everything looks yummy. Let us know how it went!

nancygrayce said...

Looks like enough and looks delicious! And if those are your roasters, where did you get them??? I need a big one like that.

donna said...

Holy Smokes! Cooking for 60 people is quite a task. I sometimes can't figure out what to cook for two people.

You are a gift to the people at your church, that's for sure.

Granny Annie said...

You will certainly have enough if you do a couple of things. 1.) Fill the bowls for the children. 2.) Pick the adults who should be at the back of the line. You know, the big folks who fill a couple of bowls and are back for seconds before the initial group has firsts.

Your meal looks absolutely wonderful!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Looks delicious! I think it is enough . I have never cooked for that many people , I would not know where to begin .I hope everything goes great for the dinner! Keep us posted .

Kissed by an Angel said...

Hi just popped over to say hello. Thank you for your lovely comments. It certainly looks like you will have enough food!! It all looks delicious!! I love cornbread too!! Yum!! Wishing you every success!!